Megan Alizabeth's Webpage

Academic Goals

  Have you ever had goals? I have. Basically I have been the goal-setter type since I was little. In fact, I often hear stories on how I was a determined child and always worked for what I have done. I have been an academically inclined kid ever since I was born. In such ways as that I could read when I was 2. I have always expected more of myself because I know what I am able to achieve and When Im not doing as well as I can, I am not in the best of moods.

          I have planned for as long as I can remember to be the valedictorian for the class. So that is one of my major goals for school. As long as I can, I want to take AP courses and challenge myself to the fullest extent. My middle school years have been kind of shaky. But, through all of the things that happened, I have learned a lot and found my real friends. So, to shape my High school years, I want to stay away of the social drama and all of the bad things and focus on my work. I currently do Swimming so that is pretty much my life. I eat sleep and breathe swimming right now. I dont get much sleep, in my definition, but I think I will live. Doing swimming is really helping me prioritize my things. I have swimming and school. And with those two things, I feel like I can get a long way in life.     

Career Goals

   For continued education, I would want to go to a really good medical School. I have heard GREAT things about Johns Hopkins, Harvard, and Michigan State. All of which I would be more than happy to call myself part of. Michigan State would be my choice If I wouldnt want to go a long way away from home. Johns Hopkins is located in Baltimore, Maryland. So If i didnt mind going there, I would probaby go. Harvard seems like a lot of academic expectations, and to be quite honest, I dont think I couled ever get in. thats just being really honest though.

          As you can tell, I am kind of interested in the medical field. I want to be a pediatrician. which means that I will be working with kids all day. Treating their illnesses and anything else that might be wrong with them. I think I would be very good at my job because I loved, as a kid, to play doctor. And being a doctor has been my dream job since about 4th grade. At about 6th grade I thought I would want to go into the Homicide unit. It is literally working with the dead bodies. I know it sounds gross. But I have a strong stomach and a lot of things dont bother me. I honestly think that I would be better off in any sort of medical job, but I do make more money if i specialize in something. Thats when it crossed my mind that I loved and adored kids. So why not take care of them? Yea, I might be a sucker for cute little ones, but they are our future and We want them to be healthy and free of diseases and cancer. Thats my take on it.


          I have a lot of goals, but a alot of them are personal goals. My schoolwork and career are absolutely number one to me. If I were to fail a project or a class, or not become a doctor, I think my life would literally be over. I dont really know what I would do. I have been on the same path since I was little. To change so quickly would confuse me soooo bad. :)

          My goals are pretty straight forward. I like to express my goals to my friends to kind of show them what I want my life to look like. Maybe in showing and role modeling for some of my friends, they can choose a better career path for themselves, and in return get a better job. What can I say, I'm just good like that. ;)